Friday, August 10, 2012

Welcome Back to Room 707!

Tonight,  my windows are open.  The air is crisp and I am actually sipping hot tea while I write this post.  Is it August or October?  After a VERY hot summer, I welcome the change in weather.  This must be mother nature's way of telling me it's time for another school year to begin.  If you have spent the past year following our class blog, we invite you to stay.   If you are new to our blog, we welcome you and promise you'll be in for some amazing things this year.
You can just check our postings monthly or you can register and become a member.  Don't be fooled by the small number of registered members on this site.  Last spring, our blog was viewed more than 3, 500 times world wide.  Pretty exciting stuff!

I can't wait to get this school year started.  A few days from now, I will have 180 students daily in my  7th grade social studies classes.  We'll cover World Cultures of the Eastern Hemisphere.  Students will be encouraged to share and make connections from our classroom to current events in the news. Don't be surprised if in a few weeks, your child begs you to let them watch 60 minutes on Sunday evenings.  ( I can dream, right?)

One of my most favorite things about this class is that we do:  Projects, Projects, Projects.  I can't wait to see what students come up with this year.  Take a look at past posts to see some of the amazing things my past classes created.

Below you'll find a brief outline of what students will be studying.  I can only say you'll want to tune in again soon.  There are some especially exciting things on the horizon.

Review Hemispheres and Map Skills, latitude and longitude


Ancient Egypt
Northern Africa
World Religions

1st-11th Central Africa
*October 16th Invisible Children/ Uganda Speaker and Assembly(This is gonna be AWESOME!)
October 17th-19th Wrap up Africa
October 22nd- Begin Ancient Greece

Finish Ancient Greece
Roman Empire

Middle Ages

Middle-Late January-March
World Wars I and II

SE Asia

India Subcontinent


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