Saturday, April 21, 2012

Caps 2 Stop Kony Still Going.....

Here we are 20 days and counting and we have 38,606 plastic lids, caps, etc.  What a feeling to have exceeded our goal of 30,000 caps.  We are still collecting until May 1st, 2012.  We received some great donations from:

Red Robin-Cedar Rapids, Iowa 
Red Robin- Dubuque, Iowa
Starbucks-Marion Hy-Vee
University of Iowa 

Ekstrand Elementary School-DeWitt, Iowa
Linn Grove Elementary School-Marion, Iowa

City of Cedar Rapids Fire Department
Willow Gardens Nursing Home
Hundreds of students, staff, friends and family members have also collected caps for us

Our mural is in the design process.  We hope to have photos of the mural up for you soon. Meanwhile, here are some photos of Mod 2 and their campaign to "Cover the Day" to raise awareness of who Joseph Kony is, hanging posters at our school on Friday, April 20th, 2012. 
Jasmine A. explaining to Staff in our building who Kony is and why he should be stopped.
Our  school hallways now have 150 posters about the Kony 2012 Campaign.

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