Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Swing Kids Compare/Contrast Essays

Students recently watched Swing Kids.  This movie was about youth growing up in Germany during 1939.  After viewing the movie students wrote essays comparing and contrasting themselves to one of the characters in the film.  Below you will find a few samples of their work:

After seeing the movie Swing Kids, I decided that I am most like the character of Arvid.  Arvid would get angry over something, but would be afraid or too passive to do anything about it.  But when he would get pushed over the edge, he would blowup and stand up for himself.  The summer before 6th grade I knew a girl who I thought was my friend, but she would bully me and push me around.  I used to complain about it to my mom and then I realized that it didn't do me any good.  One day she was being extra controlling and I couldn't take it.  I got so angry that I finally stood up for myself, even though I was scared that I wouldn't have any friends.  Turns out, I ended up with just my true friends and no one treated me like a doormat anymore.
There are ways that Arvid and I are different though.  When things get hard, I don't just run away from them and give up.  Arvid gave up after he stood up for the people who weren't Nazis.  When I stood up against my friend, I didn't run away and give up.  I stood proud and strong and made new friends.  I learned that I didn't have to cling on to anyone and that I am my own person.  Plus, I didn't commit suicide when the the going got tough, like Arvid did.

Allie McDonald:  Mod 4


After watching the movie Swing Kids I think I'm most like the character Thomas.  I don't really care about much.  Thomas took the high life and joined the HJ.  I think that I would have too.  If one of my friends had to join, I would join with them.  Thomas was crazy, but mean at times.  When I get angry, I can be a bit mean.

I am also different from Thomas.  At the end of the movie Thomas turned on his best friend Peter and beat him up.  I could never hurt one of my good friends.  Thomas changed because of the HJ.  I would never have let someone change the way I am.  Thomas didn't really care when Arvid passed away.  If one of my friends died, I would be really depressed and sad.

Gavin Gast:  Mod 3

I would say that I am most like Arvid.  We both have glasses and are male.  Besides the physical similarities we are both strong willed.  Just as he did I think that I would stand up against the Nazi cause.  Refusing to play the German song sounds like something I would do, because I am very stubborn.  He didn't get along well with Thomas and I don't think I would either.  He got along well with Peter and I think I would too.  Peter had the best morals and Arvid and I would both like that.

Some of the ways that Arvid and I are different include, he has brown hair and mine is blonde.  Also he walks with a limp and plays guitar.  I don't do either of those things.  Also Arvid killed himself and I wouldn't ever even consider that.  he could have more more of an impact if he would have stayed alive.  He could have fought the Nazi cause while he was alive.  That is what I believe I would have done.

John Melvin:  Mod 3


I think that I am most like Peter because I care for my family and friends a lot.  Many times, I want to do the right thing.  The problem is, sometimes I don't know what that right thing is.  It is hard for me to make decisions, as it was for Peter.  Neither of us agree with Hitler or what he did to others.  Both of us can realize easily when there is something wrong with people we are close to.  We both also need somebody to comfort us when we are hurt.

Some differences between us, is that I would never question being on the Nazis' side or not.  I don't like to add anger when I'm in a fight, but Peter does.  Obviously, I'm a girl and Peter is a boy.  Also, I would never talk to my superiors the way he talked to his mother and the Gestapo.  I would be too scared to.  I also would not go to the work camp happily.  I would have taken Thomas' advice.

Emily Smith:  Mod 4

I think I am most like Thomas from the movie Swing Kids, because Thomas is strong willed.  When he decided to join the H.J. he took it very seriously and gave it 110%.  Thomas and I are also alike because when Thomas' friend Peter joined the H.J. he joined.  We are also alike in a way because Thomas stood up for Arvid.  I would also if one of my friends was getting bullied.  Other ways Thomas and I are alike are Thomas only though of himself, and I do that sometimes as well.  The last way Thomas and I are similar are that we can get so caught up in something that we forget that there are other people around us.

The ways that Thomas and I are different is that I would want to make my family proud in everything I do.  Where as Thomas did things to rebel against his family.  Another reason Thomas and I are different is that Thomas joined the H.J. I would not have joined the H.J.  I would have stayed back and helped the Jewish people.  Thomas also did not get along with his father, but I get along with my father very well.  Thomas also got very caught up int he H.J. lifestyle, where I would have stayed back and lived a double life like Peter.  Thomas also though the H.J. were his friends.  It can be hard to tell who your real friends are.  This has not happened to me yet.  The last way Thomas and I are different is that Thomas stood up for Arvid and fought Emil.  That would be very hard for me to do that as well.

Anna Mazzella:  Mod 3

Friday, February 3, 2012

Tough Questions Spark BIG Ideas

One day in my first period class I had a student raise their hand and say,

“Mrs. Barry, I am confused.” 

Me:  "What are you confused about?” 

The student replied with the following, “How can a baseball player or another professional athlete make around $80,000 for just sitting on the bench or getting up to bat, and we have this horrible debt?  It’s not right that some people have so much and so many people don’t.  We should do something about this.”

This sparked a several week process of following the debt crisis, and current events on the economy, as well as discussing ways to help our citizens, and how to reduce the debt. My students began to understand that being paid a high salary isn’t a crime, but that somewhere along the line, things had gotten out of control, and now our whole nation was in trouble. This class was very ambitious and worked hard to complete the regular curriculum in addition to this special project. 

Below is a video clip of all their ideas.  Please realize that sometimes twelve and thirteen-year-olds are idealistic and most of these suggestions might not work, but they did an excellent job of working through the process, thinking outside of the box and making connections. I hope if nothing else it provides some hope that these children do care about their future and want to make a difference now.