Wednesday, December 14, 2011

What do you want for Christmas?

Mrs. Barry Ringing the Bells at Wal-Mart for the Salvation Army
AHHHHH!  The holidays.  I enjoy so many family traditions.  Our tree is up, the lights a glow, our nativity scenes are in their special places, the cards are ready to mail, and the shopping will likely be complete in the nick of time!
Over the past week  my students have asked me what I want for Christmas from my family and friends.   I have been tempted to ask my family for one of the following:

"World Peace"
"Students and Children that behave"
" A toddler that throws NO tantrums"
"A vacation"
"8 gallons of coffee for my lack of sleep"
"a workout membership to start getting this almost 40-year-old in shape!"

I've kept my whimsical ideas to myself and told my family none of the above. However, the other day I got an amazing idea.  Our family tries to keep the the "Reason for the Season" in mind, and not focus on the materialism.  Our kids get a few presents, but we also donate something each year for each child and that is one of their presents.  Over the years, our kids(including Brady-we started him young) have helped us pick the recipients.  Their choices have ranged from the Michael J. Fox foundation, Make-a-Wish, Children's Miracle Network, Susan G. Komen, Operation Christmas Child, and the list goes on.

So back to my idea:  What if I did something similar at school? Instead of focusing on getting,  what if I encouraged my students to do something for someone else?  My students love to make cards or posters to hang in my room!  So why don't they make them for others, and mail to a local hospital or a military unit?  I started the ball rolling my ringing the bells for the Salvation Army. 

As a social studies teacher my job just isn't to teach about far off lands and governments... it is to teach my students to CARE about SOMETHING or SOMEONE enough to make a difference.  So this is it.  They have a chance to show others what I already know:  how awesome and capable and kind they truly are for 12 and 13 year olds.

Yes, world peace would be a fabulous thing... but it isn't likely.  A vacation would be great for one week, but it will only last a week.  A totally tantrum free toddler sounds amazing, but I think it is more likely to happen in a fiction novel!!:-)  An act of kindness given this holiday season, could last a lifetime for so many people.  In the words of Ghandi:  "Be the change, you want the world to see."  So it is with great anticipation that I launch my campaign.  My Mod 5 came up with some cool acronyms to name our campaign.  We finally settled on:  "S.O.K.D. - SHOW OTHERS KINDNESS DAILY!! I LOVE IT!"  We'll be taking photos of all the things we do for others and posting them in our room and on our blog.  STAY TUNED AND I HOPE YOU GET SOKD!

Friday, December 16th, 2011- Making Cards for soldiers and veterans  recovering in Iowa and Minnesota hospitals.